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For more information about the BioAssay Express, contact us at Collaborative Drug Discovery.

With BioAssay Express for the first time you can:

The first step involves a streamlined interface to make it as easy as possible for scientists to annotate their assays using a collection of standardized terminology:

Annotation in progress

To help with the underlying data, we have created the Common Assay Template, which draws from a number of underlying vocabularies created by domain experts, including the BioAssay Ontology (BAO), Drug Target Ontology (DTO), Cell Line Ontology (CLO) and others. When text is available (e.g. for annotating legacy data), the interface makes use of machine learning & natural language processing to suggest terms, speeding up the process.

We have used this to curate more than three thousand assays from PubChem. This growing collection of curated assays can be searched, explored or perused one at a time:

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